World Premiere of "This Sacred Place" to Stream for Free Jan. 2

Back in 2019, suburban Chicago history teacher Bruce Janu packed his car with camera equipment and headed on a road trip to Lynn, Pennsylvania. His task: document the last concert of the famed "Old Lynn Concert Series."

He wasn’t the only out-of-towner to attend this concert. Others came a long way for the show --- as far away as Idaho.

But this place is not on a map. Lynn is at a crossroads in rural Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Blink and you will miss it. 

The unusual concert venue was the Methodist Episcopal Church of Lynn built in 1883.  This church was known for its musical presentations throughout the years. That tradition was continued in 2000 when the old church was turned into a concert hall. Despite its location in rural Northeastern, Pennsylvania, the Old Lynn Concert Series managed to bring in some of the most acclaimed acoustic folk artists from all over the world. Renowned singer-songwriters such as Jez Lowe, Bob Warren and Michael Jerling were among those to grace the Old Lynn stage over the years. During its nineteen-year run, the series presented over 150 free concerts to the community and beyond.

This Sacred Place: The Story of Old Lynn Concerts presents the history of the series along with footage from the grand finale, featuring singer-songwriters Lorne Clarke, Tom Flannery, and former Badlees guitarist Bret Alexander. 

Before hitting the festival circuit next year, This Sacred Place will have its world premiere on Saturday January 2, 2021 at 7:30 pm, Eastern. The film will be streamed for free online via Scener. Janu, Clarke, Flannery and others will be on hand virtually to introduce the film, talk about the series and answer questions from the online audience. 

“As the Old Lynn Concert Series was a free event,” explains Janu, “we wanted to honor that tradition by first presenting the film to the world in the same way.”

More information about this event can be found at

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Bell, Book and Camera Productionsinfo@bellbookcamera.com224-357-6214
Categories : Arts , Entertainment , Event , Movies , Music
Tags : movie , premiere , documentary , pennsylvania , folk music